Interesting Facts To Know About Learning Standard English

Learning the English language is an interesting experience. Standard English simply refers to the accepted form of speaking English in any English speaking society. It is simply the English which is comprehensible and intelligible to a native speaker.

Who can speak Standard English language?

Interestingly, you should know that even non-native users of English can speak Standard English. Anyone who learns English properly and makes use of it can easily become fluent in it. However, before aiming for this, there are some things which you need to know about learning English.

Different varieties of the English language

First, you should know that there are many varieties of the English language. This is because English is used by people of diverse nationalities and cultures. Hence, there are several regional dialects and speech patterns seen in different speakers around the world. Sometimes, these dialects are regarded as non-standard and are, therefore, poorly regarded.

Thus, when learning English, it is advisable to use Standard English which is the recognized and accepted variety. Learning English in Singapore requires being guided by experts who use the standard variety in their classes. The popular varieties which are recognized as Standard English internationally are the American English and British English.

Therefore, it is important to know, especially when preparing for English proficiency tests such as the IELTS, non-standard varieties and forms are unacceptable, and should, therefore, be avoided in your learning. Slangs and informal expressions should be recognized and used only as appropriate.

IELTS General Training tests your ability to speak Standard English

Furthermore, you should also know that learning Standard English can only be confirmed once you have written and passed a highly recognized proficiency test such as the IELTS tests. This is why it is essential to enrol for IELTS exam preparation classes. This way, you can perfect your English and get certified by a recognized international body.

What does an IELTS course require?

Taking an IELTS course in Singapore requires you to dedicate your time and attention to an intensive learning process. It means you would be guided through a systematic syllabus and given several learning resources. You would be required to take note of native English speakers, observing their manner of speaking and writing. You would also be taught how to listen to understand speech and read for comprehension. These can be learned by watching Standard English speakers on television, listening to radio shows, podcasts and audio lectures. Taking note of everyday speech such as the news and commentaries which are presented in good English.

Lastly, you should also know that learning Standard English takes some time. However, if you are exposed to the standard variety from scratch, you should have minimal worries about learning a nonstandard variety. With access to the right resources, you should become a fluent speaker within a short period. Once this is done, you can confidently enrol for the IELTS tests and prove your proficiency in Standard English despite being a non-native speaker of the language.

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